Thanks for the feedback guys
The sequence will be added as an intro infront of a video showcase. The plan is when the website is all finished, you will click on the video page link and this intro will play out to reveal the thumbnail menu (well thats the plan atm).
The curtains were my 1st ever go at mayacloth. For me this was the hardest bit to get right & took the most time. Incase anyone is interested, i actually spoke to a seamstress to work out how much cloth is required to make the curtain folds look right. As it turned out, you need 2.5 times the required width in cloth. This is then folded back with transform constraints into the closed position. Here is a software rendered animation showing the cloth folding...
(about 600Kb - right click - save target as)
If anyone needs spacific instructions on how this was achieved, just ask...
"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.
KickarZ Studios