Thread: Plugin Question
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# 2 28-08-2006 , 09:35 AM
NeoStrider's Avatar
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well my easiest answer to you would be, find organic modeling in tutorial form from this site. it basically guarantees that you don't need any extraneous plugins, and that you'll still be learning from the best and learning how to do things on your own (as opposed to relying on plugins).

if you feel the need to learn from the tutorial you found, then i'm confident that nobody here would be able to help you unless they were able to offer you a free illegal version of the plugin you seek, which is bad. the best way to model a humanoid is by way of reference images. find a person you know, find links to profile and silhouette versions of a character you want to model, but please, do it legitimately. if you do follow these guidelines, many more people will be able to help you along the way if you're able to provide us with images that show us your progress and even your problem.

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