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# 6 28-08-2006 , 09:47 AM
NeoStrider's Avatar
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no offense to anyone in this thread, but i can't help but find it slightly humorous that foto-z actually asked 'perhaps someone can help me do it on my own?'

because if you were to do it on your own, you wouldn't illicit the help of fellow maya-ers (mayans? oh who knows.)...

that being said and done, what objects do you actually plan on having as 3d objects? the mermaid? the rocks? the sea? the boat? the crew? the sky?

what happens at the end? what are major plot points to your animation? giving details such as this will provide information to those willing to help devote some time to such a production, and will also allow them to know how much work they have in front of them to be able to help you out in a meaningful manner without sacrificing too much of their own private time.

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