Mr.R, i'd have to disagree wiht you about the Bevel on the grill/ect... The car its self, had very crsip hard edges in these areas..
The rest of youre comments i'd have to agree with..
I do have a suggestion though..
.. Toss some Hemi Decals on it when you texture!.. Drop the Barra, and Make this baby a Hemi Cuda

Also0, turn that bad boy into a real shaker hood...Toss some four corners hood pins off on there, and cut the scoop out of the hood.. if it isnt already, cant tell for sure.....woudl set it off a bit...
Would lopve to see a wire..
I'm workgin on a 69 Charger righ tnow, and ran into a few problems wiht it, so i havent picked it up in a bit..
not posted on here though.. but woudl be nice to see a wire of you're car.. maybe i can get a bit of..insp from it 
Last edited by G-Man; 01-09-2006 at 02:17 PM.