Thread: Lambo Gallardo
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# 17 28-09-2006 , 01:01 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Boston
Posts: 339
alright moderators, yall are going to kill me but i have huge shots since i was doing this for school so i needed to see how they look. Ummm I dont know how to change the pixal aspect ratio since im not using my comp, this comp cant handle it like mines can.

anyways, I told you guys i suck at rendering because I never rendereed anything. This is my first renderings so im just testing out settings trying to get this thing to work. My paint sucks. im hoping my friend younglion or dilbert can show me how to get speckles in my paint because the paint i have is flat. I dont know materials or rendering so im learning. Hmm I didnt do the headlights, taillights or turn signal but heres some shots

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