drew22mader i know but most drift cars rock the huge spoiler and this is for the drift competition. Every car in drifint competitions almost have huge spoilers. some dont but most do. As u can see from my car, those spoilers are huge but apr make very effective ones so i modeled the one i have since I have it in my room right now so its easier to get ref plus blue prints for it. also it could be the angle i rendered cause in my maya, it doesnt look as big. i might to a differeng angle to show. i mean it still a big one
Lok1 yes I have to model the engine, interior and underneat for the comp. there is no deadline so this model is going to be like a 3 or 4 month project for me. yea i was looking at a set of volk wheels that looks very similar to these. i might go with them. ill post it
Gamester I know. the problem im having is i modeled this in maya 8 and im still learning where everything is. I just learned how to do a proper clay render in vers 7. Its also easy because i have vray for version 7 and there are 100 tuts on clay rendinger with max for vray but it works the same in maya. the problem im having is that i cant export my obj to 7. when i do, its killing my memory because its seperating everything by faces so instead of like 8 objects lol im getting like 1,000,000 objects because its making everything face by face so i gotta keep it in 8 until i learn how to properly export it to 7. Since i use vray, im diong the gay occlusion. this sthinks since i just did a clay lol but my friends gon do some clays for me with his max. his comp can handle the huge poly count.
anyways thanks guys for your comments, i will keep everything in mind.
ohh yead, gster, i took a box and rotated it till i got the shape i wanted, then duplicated it like 100 times with a small transliation, ythat way it seperates them wvenly across. i took all tose pieces and combined it, freezed transformation and the dupliccated that by -1 and theres ur grill.
Last edited by 99GsTurbo; 25-10-2006 at 09:43 PM.