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# 2 14-12-2006 , 03:31 AM
publicFunction's Avatar
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Livingston, Scotland
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I just popped my 2 pence on the BBC site...

Really, when will the protest groups stop protesting against the entertainment industry (esp to the games industry)

The story talks about the game and how its all about mass exodus by all the believers to heaven, leaving all the Heretics (that's you and me BTW), to be slaughtered by the believers who are left. Really I think the message underlying the game is if you are not Catholic or similar, then you are not worthy of living. It is also mentioned how Churches in the US are "advertising" the game technically if this is true then it is 110% morally wrong to do so. If the tables were turned and it was the Devils minions attacking all religious sects and faiths there would be massive outcry.

Really I don't know how to react to this. I am not really a religious person, in the mainstream sense of the word. But I do have my faith/belief, that the majority of mainstream religions would call either heresy or paganism.

But all in all, its a game (an RTS BTW). It's meant to entertain and to be enjoyed. I say, anything that is likely to offend, slap an 18 Certificate on it, (R Rating for our US/Canadian Cousins) Ala the GTA series, and market it at Adults and not teenagers, the majority of which are still very religiously naive (IMHO), or could not care less. Its the US "Bible Belt" I am worried about.

This post is not meant to offend, it is my opinion only. If it did offend please accept my apologies. I love you all... :attn:

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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