Well I've always been known as Beech. An' nah, that's not a spelling error. It's part of my surname. It's also (with different spelling) where you'd find me every summer till I was about 20.
As for Franky, don't sweat it mate - it's kindof a bugger since you only get the front image to work off. But you've gotta change the model a bit from the pic to get it to look okay in 3d anyway. Kurt does it with the crotch as you'll see if you haven't already.
As for the arms that make Arnold S. look a bit on the small side - it's much easier just to build him first then to go and adjust the CVs in subd mode. Then you can see what it looks like and you're not just guessin. Poly proxy works ok too, but subds were easier for me on this one.
With the arms being too far back, they look fine to me - but again, I wouldn't sweat it over that. With a model I'm doing at the mo', the girl's on her tippy toes and the knees are almost behind the ankles from a side on view. Now I could painstakingly try to adjust the model as a set of vertices. but as I theorized and checked out the other day, what would take me 30-45mins+ to do by hand, I can do in under 5 minutes using a skeleton!!
Just lay out the joints, do a smooth bind, adjust the position of the joints to get a more natural stance and it's done. All the parts get rotated correctly, I can do rotations in local space ather than world. It's just so much easier.
The part I'd be concentrating on, the part that I got the most out of, was only keeping 4 sided polys that give a superlight mesh when converted to subds. The rest of it's just style, imho.
Here's the profile shot I mentioned. It seriously took 5 mins to fix up the model, using joints.
Last edited by enhzflep; 03-02-2007 at 04:59 PM.