still not fixed on a idea yet. Still playing around
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this idea is to have a gentleman with a small barrel on his back powering a cannon at his front. Instead of gun powder it uses compressed air/steam to fire the ammo.
Wacky i know and would probably never work but it looks cool
idea 2
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This guy looks more like a solider from the civil war era but has a steam powered weapon.
This one fits in a little more with the "In Her Majesty's Secret Service" - well if we dropped the secret part.
might combine idea 1 (weapon) + 2 (character) = idea 3
idea 4
Horse and carriage.
This idea is to have half real horse half steam power horse. Wheels powered by motor for the back half for the horse. The carriage might have passages or weapons again cant make mind up.
Last edited by tweetytunes; 16-03-2007 at 03:06 AM.