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# 2 21-03-2007 , 01:18 PM
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i know this is one of your first projects so I won't be too harsh.
It's a good start but you need to watch the preportions of objects, I think the table for instance is a little low.
Even if you are creating from your imagination you need to base real objects on reality, so get as much photo references as possible before starting to model and then you will find it easier to model the thing in question.
I am not sure if you were going for a cartoon look or whether you want a more realistic look.
Your textures give off a cartoony feel, this is mainly due to the fact that they are too saturated and too clean.In real life nothing is ever an even colour as there will be inperfections in the material and it gets worn or stained ect.So if you you are going for photo realistic you have to dirty your textures up so the objects look used.

I hope you don't take this as a slating of your picture as it's not intended , but more just some info for you to think about so you can improve.
Don't expect to create wonderous things imediately because it really does take practice,practice and more practice.

I really like the feel of the room though so goodluck in your future projects.

Last edited by jsprogg; 21-03-2007 at 01:51 PM.