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# 4 16-04-2007 , 01:21 PM
antiant's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 462
Good start.
I agree with everything that has been said.
One thing that is crucial to getting a room to look correct is you lighting.
You need to change your render to mental ray. And create lights that are admiting photons.
There are some great tuts here on this website for that, or simply do a google for it, and you will find some freebees.
This is more advanced lighting and be a fair bit to get your head around. But if you start now, you wont regreat it. You can make the simplest model look great if you can get your lighting correct.

Hope this helps.
Good Job!user added image

There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.