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# 13 06-06-2007 , 12:57 PM
ctbram's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 2,998
Started cutting in some hull details. Keeping surface tangancy is really hard. It is a little frustrating because it seems that there are "ALMOST" enough tools to do the job easily but nothing works as expected and you end up after long hours for frustration just pushing and pulling verts by eye. It is so tedious and I think that the technology is there to make the process much easier.

Some things that would be nice:

-Convert a trimmed nurbs surface to polygon (this would be the holy grail!).

-project all the vertices on a poly mesh onto a nurbs surface. I see no reason at all that this could not ne implemented and it would be a god send. Create a nurbs surface convert to polygon, cut and move things around and if the mesh gets cattywompus just project it back onto the nurbs surface. Or method 2 create a nurbs shell, create a poly surface all cut up with proper edge flow, then project the mesh onto the surface bingo flawless tangency and smooth surfaces.

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