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# 14 07-06-2007 , 10:45 AM
ctbram's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 2,998
totally rebuilt the body....

I was not pleased the way the body was going. So I started fresh. I took the original nurbs basic shape and projected curves onto the surface. Using these curves and isoparms from the nurbs form I created a cage of cv curves.

Using the curves I created nurbs surfaces using boundry, lofts, and birails.

I then converted the nurbs patches to polygons and extruded some thickness to each of the panels and added some edges to shore up some of the corners.

The surface tangency was pretty good at this stage (the model shape is fairly simple so that helped. But there were a couple areas where there some creases visible. I quickly hit the panels with the poly sculpt tool using push, pull, and mostly smooth got the surface into good shape.

To Do:

-Interior of Cockpit

Attached Thumbnails

Last edited by ctbram; 07-06-2007 at 10:52 AM.