Thanks guys, Vlad: Good points, thanks. The toe tap does bend down, I didn't adjust the value enough to show it and the eye control in the GUI was a last minute thought, it just controls the original one (which is hidden) in front of the face, it won't be an issue to sort out if necesarry. I'm not sure what you mean about the hips, it could be that I modeled her with straight legs so there's no slack in the IK handle before her feet lift. I've compared the movement to other rigs (from textbooks) and they move in the same way once the slack is gone. I'll get those fingers sorted. Dave: Hopefully it'll work well when it comes to animating! I'd not thought about raising the cheek bones, it'll be easy enough to attach a couple more blendshapes onto the rig, cheers. Yeah, I'm pretty pleased with the hair, I hope it (and the balloon string) behave when I'm animating. Mirek: Long time, I hope you're well. I know what you mean about the eyes being very round (they are spheres!), I'll have a bash at putting a little shape into them. Regarding music, I've not opened any music software for a few weeks now, too busy with this at the moment. I always have my guitar at hand for when I need to relax though! Cheers for all of your thoughts, I really appreciate the feedback as it helps me progress. Later, Mat.