Hello folks and thanks for the kind remarks. I'll probably get around to making a tutorial at some point, in the mean time though this project is taking up most of my time! I've not been able to make much progress this week because the bad weather and flooding in the area has lead to power cuts. Today though we've been power cut free so I sorted out the UI to control and key the face and mouth by adapting the UI from the Zuckafa head by CGToolkit for my needs. I also sorted out a few of the blendshapes as I wasn't happy with them and made a start on a pose library. I've made a bit of progress with writing the story, the girl finally has a name.... Nell, but there is still plenty to do, hopefully I'l have it all down before the end of next week. Right click and save THIS (10Meg) to see a video showing the UI. I ohpe it makes sense!! Cheers, Mat