Thread: New Project
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# 62 29-06-2007 , 01:30 PM
happymat27's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,257
Thanks arran and 99GsTurbo,

Yeah it's nice to see some movement after you've been staring at a lifeless model for a while!!

I've spent the day animating Nells head and synching her lips to a track from a movie. It's the first time that I've tried lip synching and I'm pertty pleased with the results but know that I can do better.

The UI seems to be working well and I think that it has streamlined the workflow a bit. It goes to show that a little extra effort makes life easier in the long run!!

Anyway, the following link will take you to the fruits of my days labour,

I have to advise that the video contains EXPLICIT LANGUAGE

If anyone is offended by this I will be happy to remove the link.

Right click and save THIS for the clip.

any thoughts are always welcome.



Attached Thumbnails