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# 110 13-07-2007 , 07:25 AM
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AlphaFlyte: Thanks man! I'll try my hardest to add some good asymmetries to the arms and wings as well as play around with the positioning.

Rhetoric Camel: Thanks for the compliments dude! Yeah I started Maya at the beginning of March, this year. I've had alot of great input from people like you which has really helped me out tremendously. Hmmm, 8 arms? Perhaps I'll create Octopus man next, hehe. Just the thought of modeling 8 arms hurts my head, lol.

Everyone: I think I finished modeling everything a couple of days ago and will spend this week doing tweaking. I'll post an update at the end of the week. But, I'll still keep checking everyone's progress as I find that fun and informative.

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