Hi arran, I'm still planning to pose him like my sketch. I did a search on the internet and found this pic which is the same pose I'm going for.
I hope I can get the time to pose him because I've found an opportunity to start making money using Maya (YIPEE). I've been modeling some houses (nothing very detailed) but a co-worker saw one of them and got excited and asked if I could do a 3d house for him and another co-worker. The co-worker is going to have a house built and asked the architect if he could show her a 3d model so she could see it before it was built. He told her it would be way too expensive and said it just wouldn't be possible.
So, now I have a couple of jobs to do. I figured since it's for the homeowners and not a business that it's okay for me to do them. I'm doing them free of charge but if eveything goes well and they are 100% satisfied, I'm going to apply for a small loan to get the commerical license for Maya and start some freelance work doing 3d models for homebuilders, etc. This is probably going to eat up all my free time to get this going so I may or may not have a posed model to enter. But that's okay, I've learned alot doing this ninja model so I'm still happy even I don't place in the top 3.
I pray everything works out like I'm hoping it will.
Don't be satisfied with what you can do but rather strive to do the things you can't do!
Exceed Expectations!