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# 3 20-12-2002 , 10:19 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Adelaide Australia
Posts: 201

re subD texturing help

Hi there,

I use the poly proxy node (cage) to map with. This allows me to map using the poly projection tools and then have the uv's transfer down to the actual SubD object.


Duplicate your Subd object and turn it into a poly (modify>convert>subd>poly>options>VERTICES). This will convert it to the lowest amount of polys (same as your SubD cage.

set up two layers Hi and lo

Select your Subd object and (put into proxy mode) then go into hypergraph and click on up/downstream button to display the 'insides' of the subd.

Look for a node called ......History..... and select it. Look in your viewport and see what it selects. Hopefully (if you selected the right node) it will select only the cage of the subd.

Place this on the Lo layer

Two nodes along in the hypergraph is another node belonging to the subd. Click on it and again look in your viewport. this should select your hi res SubD mesh. Again put this on a layer. The Hi layer.

With your duplicated mesh you can soften some of the mesh around areas that are angular, etc...This will help with uv mapping. Map the polygon mesh with standard projection tools. eg. planar, cylindrical, etc....

If your select the duplicated mesh and then select the poly proxy (in hypergraph is easiest) and Polygon>transfer>UV's. This will transfer the uv's from the duplcated poly to the subd cage, which will then flow down to the subD mesh.

the beauty of this process is that you can sculpt (average vertices, paint polygons smooth) to make a really nice uv map and then transfer the uv's from the 'more rounded' mesh to the subd cage making for accurate uv mapping.

Next apply the shader/s to the Subd mesh (not cage) and open uv editor to adjust your uv's.

Hope this helps

re Jim

Mayan elder......only in years.....