as i said, i am just starting it, so not everything is developed.
as for the exporting thing, i do have a plug in for Maya, so no worries there.
no real storyline yet, but there doesn't need to be a big one, maybe a bunch of side-quests. but i don't need all that yet, thats gonna be made when i start developing it in the TES construction set, and making all the characters and stuff, so no rush. 
Mastone, i also just started this 2 or three days ago, so concepts are still in the works. but if a concept doesn't give enough information or detail or something, just model how you would think it would be. you know?
also, before i approve anyone to help, i need a sample of their low-poly work, so if you do want to contribute, just email me the picture, and ill say if you can help or not.
and if you look at the building descriptions, there is one concept picture in the click the link under "Vola-San", which shows you the average house in that town. those drawings are in development for all the towns, so just stay-tuned