For those of you using Silo, I've a quick question about assigning shaders on the imported item. I've tried importing as an obj file (and cleaning up the normals) as well as using the silo import plug-in for maya. Everything imports fine and I can assign a simple material. Color shows up fine. Now if I plug a grid texture node into the blinn's color attribute, it doesn't show up correctly. On the .obj file, the piece of geometry (a microphone mesh) turns transparent and silver. If I try on an object imported via the plugin, the transparency is normal but the piece of geometry turns silver. (Yes hardware texturing is on and both show up this way in a render).
I was thinking, 'oh, maybe this has to be mapped' but I applied the same shader to a nurbs, poly, and sub-d primitive created within Maya and the shader shows up the way it should. Am I missing something?
"Terminat Bora Diem, Terminal Auctor opus."