No, after I import the mesh into Maya and apply shaders from the hypershade. Standard materials work (i.e., I can create blue blinn and apply it and it shows up correctly). If I plug something like a grid into the blinn's color attr. and apply, it doesn't work. On an imported .obj file, the mesh where the shader was applied turns partially transparent and silver. If I import using the plugin that allows you to import native silo files and apply the shader, the mesh just turns silver. Both render out that way, too. It's weird. I can apply the same shader to any maya primitive and it shows up fine. The problem is only on the imported mesh from silo. I tried importing an unedited simple sphere from Silo and same weird results. I'm trying to find out if there's something you have to do to the file before exporting from silo but haven't seen anything, yet and I've been combing their boards feverishly.
"Terminat Bora Diem, Terminal Auctor opus."