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# 27 08-08-2007 , 12:24 AM
AlphaFlyte's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Sweden
Posts: 326
Transparent objects usually mean Maya knows it has a material and which material. Just not how to display them.
So a UV map will be required. Automatic mapping should give a starting point for test purposes.

The first thing to do is go odd normal hunting, fastest way by turning off Two Sided lighting. I do get one or two odd faces
on imported models, and if using obj I expect some faces to be inverted and locked.

Scroll down to my reply in this thread:

Cool importer: Masilo. Opens .sib/.sia files in Maya. Lovely.

I've tried to recreate your problem and the grid plugged into color attr shows up just fine here on my imported silo model.

Currently working on reclaiming Space
The Salvation Prophecy

Last edited by AlphaFlyte; 08-08-2007 at 12:37 AM.