Originally posted by mirek03
in Bali, the only people who drowned seemed to be the Japanese and the Germans.., so we all figured there must be no water in those parts.., very strange for us
Well, if you've been to Hamburg, you should know that actually they DO have a lot of water there, yet all the Hamburgers (being very clever and observant people) try to avoid dipping as much as their little toes into the Alster. Good idea if you care about your health!
And that big black moving shape you mentioned...if it honked, it might indeed have been a boat, even though it's reported that some Nessies have been observed trying to mimic river ferries... 
Funny enough, Tascam was the one name I was looking for but just couldn't remember for the life of me. A Tascam was actually the first four track I ever got my hands on, mid to late 80s...
A couple of weeks ago, we were listening to some old Tascam-recorded stuff fom that time. To be honest, I can't say anything about the sound quality (old tapes!), 'cause we were laughing so hard from listening to the actual STUFF that was on the tape. Why would somebody record something like that in the first place? Why did we?
Subdivide and conquer!
Free your mind, and your ass will follow!
Last edited by Renderizer; 26-08-2007 at 07:32 AM.