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# 158 31-08-2007 , 03:18 AM
gster123's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Manchester Uk
Posts: 6,300
Cheers Guys!

I might have a crack at a body ofr him, sometime!

Cheers for that Jay, I adjusted the diffuse channel a bit as I always use it for dirtying up bis and bats and was thinking of giving it a bask just before you posted!

Heres the final image, its the same one as in the finals thread, Ive adjusted the contrast of the textures to get some more variations and adjusted the lighting a bit.

Thanks to all for the help, its been a great challenge especially getting used to the Z-maya workflow, still not sure i'm there with it yet but at least ive got an idea!

Hope you like it!!

Attached Thumbnails

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle

Last edited by gster123; 31-08-2007 at 04:22 AM.