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# 125 01-09-2007 , 02:13 PM
AlphaFlyte's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Sweden
Posts: 326
Hey Perfecto,

I am glad you finished too. No new posts in over a month I thought you had just like a ninja - Vanished!
The model is very cool and I have a feeling it has strong ties to asian mythology. A topic I know nothing about so there's no science in that haha. Just a feeling, and something about it that reminds me about authenticy or historical type culture.

A great ninja. Arrrrr, shiver me shurikens.

So how are things lately? I hope that all is well with you and that you are having fun.

Currently working on reclaiming Space
The Salvation Prophecy

Last edited by AlphaFlyte; 01-09-2007 at 05:53 PM.