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# 33 17-10-2007 , 01:26 AM
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Maniacal boy king of Babylon
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: the netherlands
Posts: 1,605
Thanks for the input benny, as for the textures, i'm in the ruffing in stages and i've kept the textures with layer information so i can easily do some colorgrading.
I want to use fluids for some clouds around the skyscraper and i'm planning to put an airplane in the water, with maybe some debri( maybe an oildrum on the riverbank, but i don't want to add to much polution).
If you look at the picture i posted with the image you"ll see why i didn't put that much work on the bridgeroad
If memory serves me right maya ocean is based on displacement instead of physical fluid dynamics so to make the water break when it hits the shore and/or any other object that hits the water is something i will figure out at the end(probably some fiddeling with wakes).
I have absolutely no idea what you meant by:
"Instead of /|---|\ try /-|---|-\."

Without further a do here's the progress thusfar

Attached Thumbnails