Thread: My flash game
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# 1 28-10-2007 , 04:20 PM
Mads_Anthony's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Denmark
Posts: 40

My flash game

Hi guys,

Since this is the Members Lounge, I would like to show you something there is not 3D, but is still a very creative thing.
You have probaly guessed what it is, by looking at the thread's name. It is Game-Development, and I'm using Macromedia Flash to make my games in. I got to say that it's very hard to just start scripting for a game. But for a six month of time I have made two games. Well here is my Newest game, "Keep it Balanced"... (It's kind of a puzzle game)

Comments and critics are more than welcome.

Its rice, Its nice.