Thread: Vertex Mode
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# 1 30-10-2007 , 02:49 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 4

Vertex Mode

I have a question. Ill try to make it so someone can understand. Say I have a cube and I select the top four vertices then use the move tool to move them up and left, the farther I go the more it stretches the center and everything. Is there some way to use this methode but no have it stretch? That is my question hope it makes sense.
I have been working on consistence. If someone knows how to stay consistent help.

Sorry about how my question was. But thanks for the responses The edge loops is a good Idea but I don't know how to make each loop the same width or size around. So for me the extrude tool will work the best. Thanks everyone for the good ideas that I have already known about but just forgotten.

Last edited by slasheren; 30-10-2007 at 10:36 PM.