i enjoyed the movie very much.., brilliant by any standards.
too good to nit pick and i loved the camera moves.., that long shot was straight out of an Orsen Welles intro..., very long duration and a great intro to the story and the location, ect.
i am faced with this now.., doing 'advanced dip of CGI anD VFX. at another colledge.., finished post sound at uni (4 years) jumped straight into second year (the last year) and have seen many of the showreels there. your is very high standard.
can i ask (this is a big ask)
how did you come up with this concept
how long did you have to come up withe the concept
how did you 'create' your characters (and i dont mean.., nurbs, blah blah.., ect)
the story board
the anamatics
and how long for the final piece
problem for me is i have a film background and also jumping straight into second year.., the teams are already formed as friends from last year and im like a lost sheep.., and this is a new environment.., CGI. (it used to be a hobby
you should be proud Matt, and so should your teachers.
take it easy and life will be easy