As I said in the post when u announced your work on the show, gr8 work and I was glad u managed to overcome the issues you had with the Manchester Team. I know it really p****d you off, if they were that bad maybe that gives me hope.
As I said it was a gr8 show, but somewhat too political to find that funny (for me). I read into it and found even Rory Bremner has his work cut out and didnt even have time to perferct some of the voices. He was able to do some, but new ones were tough and dealines killed his chances to getting them right.
Again, its a gr8 thing to have on your CV, so to give you a helping hand:
So get the applications in 
Oh hows the 3D Comic coming, ive not been there for a while. And with Headcases, i suppose its a backburner.
Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix

Winner SM VFX Challenge 1

3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)