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# 16 15-07-2008 , 02:20 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 38
thats pretty darn close gubar user added image sorry i should have made it clear for those fortunate enough not to have had a run in with the chav kind....delinquent youths is about right, they usually hang in groups of 10, they are eye-contact agressive and dont seem to speak any recognisable languageuser added image and have a habit of tucking their shell suit bottoms into long white socks(kind of in the baseball player style)...I think there is a dedicated site called for you to check out the life cycle of the urban or lesser spotted chav and soon to be released-walking with chavs, a real time documentary suaing computer graphics to retell a day in the life of an alpha male chav and his click-they had to use computer graphics as real chavs are far too dangerous to approach user added image

hehe...yeah acid, i would have loved an initial d machine too-but i got the ps2 and psp versions so its all good.

hope the above helps you out with your voyage of discovery arranuser added image enjoy