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# 1 12-09-2008 , 06:24 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: U.K.
Posts: 223

New Project, Need Assistance

Alright Guys,

After doing a few tutorials and a few test with tools and there operations. I am gonna have a go at a character (see below) which I have wanted to do since starting maya I was just wondering if some of you would join me on this venture, I was hoping that you would advise me with guidance and direction on how to start and tools of suggestions to start and finish the projct.

As I am working on it I will be sure to post pics every step of the way,I hate to burden this on you guys but I am as passionate and optimistic about doing this than I have any others projects I have took on before. I am just in the process of finishing the dog tutorial.. then I hope to start this Wed/Thurs. All assistance is appreciated of the up-most.

Thanks in advance from the

Nuisance newbie


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