Ok first off don't get tempted into going too detailed to quickly, it's a classic new user mistake.
What you need to do is block out the form of the character using as few polygons as possible and only add resolution if you need it.
once you have the character shaped out completely then you can add some resolution to define certain areas.The rule is add res then use it until you can't do anymore then add some more.
This is the most effective way to model because if you make a mistake you have the lowest amount of polygons to tweek to correct it at any time.
Once you have the model blocked out you can delete half and work on one side only for speed.If you intend to rig the finished character it is advisable to model in the T pose which means with the arms outstretched horizontal as this will make it easier to rig, also try to stick to quad faces as tri's and ngons will be unpredictable when deforming.
Hope this helps you to get started, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
It might also help you to start a thread in the WIP forum for crit and comment.
2 x Modeling Challenge Winner
Last edited by jsprogg; 12-09-2008 at 07:09 PM.