@Dango: haha, thanks man. Yeah, I already have an idea for a pose, but that might change when I get to that stage.
@Tom: You and me both (about the stomach).
Thanks for the comments.
Small update. I finally got to spend an hour doing some stuff. Been busy the last couple of days.
All I have really done is try to add a little form to the head and a bit of character. I'm not going to put much detail in at all at this stage. All I want is a basic shape so I can build my armour around it. If I add too much detail, and creases, it will just get in the way when I try to do the fur.
The reason I want to do the fur AFTER I've done the armour, is so i can sculpt the interactions between them. If you imagine a Buffalo wearing armour, any fur under the armour would be compressed, and the fur around the edges would poke up. Maybe some of it would cover over some of the edges of the armour.... at least that's my theory.

And now I've exported it to Maya. Ready to build the Armour around it.

Once the armour's built, then it will be time for detailing, but theres no point giving him details now as they'll just be covered up by fur.
Oh yeah, no work on the hands yet.... I hate those things... saving them for last... probably after the fur even
"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"