Gster, thanks. Yeah, the detail is pretty obsessive. To the point also where it masks in places, parts which, I think, underlying form wise, arent that strong. The limbs I have in mind in particular. I should have taken a wip shot when it was just the base zsketch. I was pleased with it at that stage, then started adding detail, and as it progressed I liked it more and more and just told myself id keep it openended and not stop even if it took me weeks. The form is not as good, or did I spend as much time on, as the sagat character I worked on for the april challenge.been getting used to using hd sculpting and trying different brushes- used the trim brushes for the first time. Been conscious throughout of jays comment several weeks back, elsewhere, about zbrush sculpts that are laboured over but unuseable in any realistic production sense. I guess this would fall into that category,but I might see if I can get it to render in maya at some point.