Thread: hdr glass tut
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# 1 18-07-2011 , 01:14 PM
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hdr glass tut

i wasnt going to do this.

I was going to do this project in silence, but i have to say this; this tut (hdr realistic glass simply maya) is amazing. I searched the net trying to avoid paying and well, after the last three days had a feeling to come here. So, i got it.

Theres no way i could of found out this detail without days of looking. more. (and ive only got to the 2nd part)

anyway i got the tut for a concept i have which may, may not, become an animation. Havent used maya for a while.

anyway if i never update on this thread again its enough to say thanks for such a detailed tut.

And who is that giving the tut. nice transmission.

(no im not asking for a 10% refund in advertising)


take it easy and life will be easy

Last edited by mirek03; 18-07-2011 at 01:16 PM.