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# 1 05-09-2011 , 01:06 AM
KartoonHead's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 39

My First Modelling Video

Hi all,

Thanks to Jay I've managed to get screen recording happening within Maya and I'd like to share with you the first recording I did.

Maya Speed Modelling - Sci-Fi Grenade - YouTube

*Spoiler Alert*
The model being made in the video is this 'Sci-Fi Grenade';
user added image

I didn't have any reference material handy, nor did I do any prior-planning, which REALLY shows as there are many 'thought pauses' in the video. Basically I just hit record and started modelling something, just for the hell of it! The normal-speed video was 30 minutes, so that's the time frame you're seeing there.

Might take the grenade concept and make a tutorial out of it, showing game asset workflow; Hi-Res > Lo-Res > UVs > Normal/AO maps > Texturing etc. And for that I WILL do some planning, honest.
