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# 22 18-10-2011 , 11:36 AM
Nilla's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Prague
Posts: 827

I dont know I feel like instead only pushing skills in modeling, rendering or lighting by actually giving static topics it would be maybe interesting to also try to encourage people to their creativity.
Why not just giving them a single word like "SPACE", which could be anything from the tiny narrow mousehole to the big universe. I think that would be a great alternative to the standart :" model a car or model a house " contests, which are of course also great in order to learn the tools. But Im somehow missing the creative part in the contest, at least in "smaller" communities and battles. Just a thought.

I agree about the creative part, it's a good idea. There's an old thread where someone suggested a word generator which is quite funny combining an adjective and a noun, and you can just click through until you get a combination that you want to create something from. How about that?

We could generate the combinations and you could pick from a list, but that way someone might get stuck with a combination they don't like so maybe better to let people generate their own.

There's also random oblique strategies, I like to use it to get ideas for writing but it's very abstract and could be a bit difficult to narrow it down to a manageable concept for creating a piece of 3D art.

Let me know what you guys think and if you're up for something like that.

@puneet.3d: I see your point, there's issues with both ways though. We'll do a smaller prize this time around and maybe who wins won't be such a big deal. But yeah, judges can decide on the next one if that's what people want.
