Some things you have to remember when using the mib_binaryproxy: ALWAYS switch to raytrace instead scanline, ALWAYS use BSP2. Thats the most significant powerboost ive seen so far. I have made tests with a grass area about 150m x 80m and there were about 28000 grasspatch-proxies there and rendering with scanline or without BSP2 is just impossible...but with the correct settings it rendered in 20minutes for a resolution in almost 5k! The exposure photographic is a b*tch but I use it everytime. Although I dont understand quite the difference between the arbitary mode and the photographic, since the cm2 setting simply does not make sense to me...however the entire node is better to understand and to compare with realworld photography as the gain, pedestal stuff, imho! For exterior try a cm2 of 10.000 ISO 100 shutterspeed 150 and a fstop of 11 or 12...On my needs I sometimes crank up the crushblacks to 1 and play around with the saturation and the burn highlights aswell a bit.