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# 62 10-12-2011 , 03:16 AM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Toronto
Posts: 3,374
Even the most fundamental and basic Maya tuts go over commands like duplicate special. In fact the very first introductory tutorial that comes with the Maya doc goes over rotating duplicates of an object around an axis, exactly like your problem here. I'm not trying to be rude, but I think you'd save yourself so much time and trouble if you invested in watching some tuts. There are free ones out there.

I and others are more than willing to help you out when you run into problems, but when it comes to the basic functions of Maya's interface and commands, it becomes difficult to keep answering. Particularly since you spent so much time trying to get someone to make new tutorials for "crossing over". Stop assuming that the workflow is exactly the same and all the tools have analogues. Watch some Maya tutorials and learn how Maya functions.

Again, sorry if that was blunt, don't mean to be offensive. It's not the first time I've tried to make this point.


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