Biological render farm
Hi noobs.
I was thinking about how to introduce some human content on my renders and then, watching the movie skyline came to me the idea of making a render farm that instead of electrons could use the neurotransmitters and the neural net of humans or not human brains to process data and produce an output image.
It is a two storey prototype but can be as much as needed as there is not heating problems, only humidity has to be kept high.
2 layers x 25 brains per layer x 200 trillion connections per brain processing power
Everything is made in maya and rendered in arion (fryrender)
the background mountains are real.
The ficus plants are handmade and painted in mudbox, the others are maya paint effects.
The galaxies are hubble pictures.
Hope someone like it
Last edited by taquion; 02-03-2012 at 09:58 PM.