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# 1 12-03-2012 , 05:54 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 8

First model ever, how do I create armor, cloth and weapons?

Hello everyone. I've been practicing in Maya 2012 and now just recently Mudbox 2012. This is my first creation in Mudbox, it is a work in progress. Right now I am trying to sharpen the muscles and do my best to make everything proportionate. This is my first model, ever.

He is a barbarian, some sort of ancient warrior that I am creating as concept for an indie game. I would like to know, what is the best way for me to go about creating his armor? I would like to add some boots, wrist wraps, perhaps a shoulder bad, and loin cloth.

I am probably going to make these in Maya.

Should I make each one separate and then go about scaling it to fit my model?

How do you build clothing/armor for game characters?

How do you make the gear, "stick", to the model?

Thanks guys!

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