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# 1 20-03-2012 , 08:07 AM
Dushyant's Avatar
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Posts: 168

Need advise on lighting and character_WIP

Hello Everyone,
First character modeling_lighting and texturing
This is my latest 3d still for character_lighting and texturing...want to make a warrior who is ready for a fight for which he was waiting for years the day has come...THis is as one from many warriors who are going for the fight but he has a story behind this day.
is that is enough or i need to add some more props or details and give your Feedback on lighting.

and any tips on metals objects.

Suggestions are most welcomed.

Software Autodesk Maya.

user added image

Attached Thumbnails

My current Wip

Last edited by Dushyant; 20-03-2012 at 08:18 AM.