Or you can either go this way.
I don't think the small thumbnails will look good or make any difference.
Not that you are planning to show 20 images in one page. For the few images (color, sculpt, wire) you posted, they are very good quality that already represent you as the Artist and your capabilities in the area.
Remember, be too much of a hard-sale is not always a good thing. Keep it clean and stylish.
I did another rough sketch. Few things to remember is text alignment. Don't have a title centered and then have the other title left aligned. Or either you center everything (titles), or you left aligned. 
Main top banner as the "Home" button will do too. For aesthetic reasons, the footer (copyright... etc etc) can be a tide smaller.
Last edited by cgisoul; 12-04-2012 at 03:25 AM.