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# 9 19-04-2012 , 11:09 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 3

?? This is what I mean by you need to give more information. It looks to me like you are smoothing the model in which case softening the edges will not do anything.

So ...

1. Is the model in the images above showing the crease smoothed or unsmoothed?

2. There are three screen shots. What is each one suppose to be showing?

I am assuming the left is smoothed showing the crease, the middle one is smoothed with wire frame, and the right one is unsmoothed with wireframe.

There are a lot of things that can cause that kind of creasing. Border edges because of unwelded verts, edges on top of each other, flipped normals.

If you do not want to upload the model then all I can recommend is use the cleanup tools and look for non-manifold geometry, polygons with zero area, edges with zero length, ngons, tris.

Turn on show border edges and make sure you don't have unwelded verts or holes.

Turn off two-sided lighting to see if you have flipped normals.

good luck.

Yes YES! thanks man, I must have flipped it or something. you saved me from punching my screen.
