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# 5 04-05-2012 , 01:10 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 3

Thanks for the critiques so far!

I really appreciate it.

As for the composition statement, There is no composition to this, it's just a final reel of all the work assignments we had to do for the semester. We just had to put each weeks assignments on one DVD. So, I think it's more like an assignment reel instead of a demo reel you'd send for a job...

I will be taking the advanced class next year, so will be burning some midnight oil so I can make better animations!

as for the class question, it was basic animations: Butterfly in flight, Ball bounce, side step, walk cycle and make a rig, facial expressions, acting for animators etc. So it was basic animation for maya. The class included: physics, rig building, acting, lyp synching, rendering, all in one semester.

Thanks for all the help! it can only make me a better modeler/animator! I'll start practicing right away! There's a neat site for basics that I need user added imageuser added image