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# 1 15-06-2012 , 10:34 PM
Registered User
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 10

Fluorescent Lights with DMap Shadows

I am trying to model a building with 10 individual fluorescent bulbs linked together around the edges for lighting. (basically these... Anyways, I have everything modeled exactly the way I want except the lights. I currently have point lights in the middle of all the tubes, but they aren't doing the trick. I have to use Raytrace Shadows and the light isn't flooding the room like it should. Too many intense shadows.

Long story short, it takes way too long to render with the raytrace shadows. I need to switch to dmap shadows to save render time. I tried using spot lights, but the edge of the cone was causing an unwanted shadow line. HELP!!!

What type of lights/light settings and render settings should I use?