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# 6 24-06-2012 , 04:45 PM
honestdom's Avatar
The Nurb Herd
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: London
Posts: 2,381
yeah, i wasn't talking about IPR. Perhaps knowing a bit more about mental ray is your cheaper/better alternative. user added image

Besides, are you rendering passes and compositing? or do you just rely on a primary render from maya? This is all dependent on your workflow/pipeline.
I render in mental ray/renderman and output passes which are comped in Nuke. This is the process and it'll take a similar amount of time regardless of the renderer. So for me the difference is, do i want 3D motion blur or vector blur? can i raytrace shadows? can i render with displacement or do i have to use bump? how much memory are my frames using. etc etc
so in a way it makes no difference. user added image

Last edited by honestdom; 24-06-2012 at 04:49 PM.