Saw Brave last night in 3D with Dolby Atmos. Wow, what a great movie. Seeing as it's "only" ~75% on rotton tomatoes, it was far better than I was anticipating. I don't get how people didn't like it, but everyone has their opinion. The short La Luna was great, but I didn't think it was one of their best, there are others that I enjoyed more. As for the movie, it was funny, beautiful, exciting and splendidly entertaining. Okay, I didn't cry, so maybe it doesn't have as much emotional depth as Up, for example, but I hardly use that as a criterion. If you want to see it, do it soon so other people don't spoil things for you. Pixar did a fantastic job of not giving away much of the story in the trailers. The new sound system is pretty cool, it's very immersive. There was a little tech demo before hand which was neat. The 3D was well done, better than typical, but I still can't love it. Motion blur and cross-fades just don't work. Time to change the cinematic conventions when the technology changes. But that hair simulation 0_0 !!! And the character animation, just perfect. It doesn't get better. Final thought, I noticed in the credits that although there was mention of Marionette engineers, at the end it said Animated with Presto, and after I looked it up, it sounds like Pixar has overhauled their software and are calling it Presto now, after the short. I wonder if they will commercialize it as they've done with Renderman?